Deutsch Drahthaar Breeder vom Wasatch:: Shane Loveland, VDD Registered and Tested Drahthaar
Deutsch Drahthaar VDD Registered and Tested

DD's exhibit the characteristic of a retriever of lost game. They do this by their inbred capacity to track and pursue (and even dispatch) wounded game persistently and uncompromisingly in some of the most difficult conditions. This saves the game from unnecessary suffering. Their endurance, swimming ability and heavy coat also make them well suited to waterfowl hunting in the most adverse conditions.

"Through performance to a Standard"
VDD Registered and Tested Deutsch Drahthaar

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Verein Deutsch Drahthaar

Verein Deutsch Drahthaar
Verein Deutsch Drahthaar is the breed organization
dedicated to the development, breeding and
continuous improvement of the versatile hunting Drahthaar.

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Zwinger vom Wasatch
Member: VDD-GNA, Wild West Chapter
Shane Loveland

9445 North 4400 West
Elwood, Utah 84337
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